Interesting New Pictures Discovered!

- - - - - - Look the back of the Rev finally! - - - - - -
Very interesting pictures arn't they, they are believed to be from a Nintendo Annual Report for its major share holders although not confirmed, the picture of the back of the Rev shows the ventalation to shit those people up that tried to say it didnt have any vents based on a hollow shell concept.
I want!!! where could I get my hands on these?
game on, at 2/08/2006 3:04 PM
i wish i knew lol
Blizz419, at 2/08/2006 3:12 PM
i was only rash to those who were decietful, liars and fakers deserve no respect, as i'm sure you noticed i was not rash on your blog at all, well not till your response anyway, as i said i was simply trying to pass on info cuz i figured youd find interest in it
Blizz419, at 2/09/2006 3:19 PM
i dont see how reaching out desperatly for excuses, and using a the king of all cliche faker rebuttals (they changed plans last minute) helps them at all. and he still claimed revolution news was announced as a fact when in fact there was nothing new just same old stuff re-worded, lol. it still comes down to decietful people do not deserve any respect.
Blizz419, at 2/09/2006 5:52 PM
i understand that but in a way your also saying that becouse i flamed someone for deceitful ways is worse than what they did which makes no sense.
Blizz419, at 2/10/2006 12:15 PM
lsslave is right...we should treat liars and people who continue to deciet people with the uptmost respect.
Anonymous, at 2/10/2006 10:03 PM
lol wow theres been some convo here since ive checked last. what this really boils down to is we all have different opinions on things, i speak my mind but some people view that as a negative thing, if i have something to say i see no need to hold it back, as i choose not to be a sheep like most of society and do what the majority thinks is proper. the world is full of fucked up people and if i spot em i'll call em out, i understand your opinion is different lsslave. but about your comment
"If I were to insult you, I would not be acting respectfully Anonymous"
dont forget you did insult me and it was becouse i insulted someone who is unworthy of any respect, not becouse i insulted you becouse i didnt, so in my opinion i think your actions were more disrespectful than mine. i'm sure if i had such things to SG007 you wouldn't have thrown a fit at all.
Blizz419, at 2/15/2006 10:50 AM
I am very glad to see such information which I was searching for a long time.
video, at 7/13/2011 10:14 AM
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