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Sorry bout the extended period of time with no post, ive been very busy. my life is getting very hectic lol so bear with me, if you ever feel the need to contact me you can do so on AIM my S/N is B1izz79 on weekdays during the day eastern time before 5:00pm.
Ok so back on track there has been some rev related info. A UK Magazine NGC insists that LOZ: Twighlight Princess will take full advantage of the Revolutions controller when played in the revolution, Nintendo claims this is just speculation but also avoides denying it.
Shawn White of http://revolutionreport.com/ had an interview with John Swinimer of ATI and we now know that the GPU "Hollywood" is not just an updated version of the Gamecube's GPU "Flipper" or a version of the RN530 or a version of any existing GPU for that matter, that it was built from the ground up specifically for the Revolution. there is also some speculation making its rounds that it may be integrated on the same die as the CPU "Broadway" which would have many benefits ranging from performance, price and size.
RevolutionReport also uncovered some new info in a patent on the Revolutions Virtual Console feature.
The application refers to storing a game program for a legacy console alongside a game program for the "newer-type" console all on one storage medium. This could be in reference to Nintendo planning to deliver its classic titles with Revolution titles.
It is stated that the "home video game system" is capable of emulating a "legacy home video game system or a hand-held portable game system". This suggests Nintendo has at least given some thought to providing their Game Boy and DS software through the Virtual Console service.
A mysterious claim in the application says that the game machine can "use a high-speed computer instead of a special purpose-game machine to execute game programs." This can be interpreted several ways, but it seems to hint at some possible Revolution-PC connectivity.
In the previous patent, replacing characters in legacy games using a graphics replacement technique was discussed. This application expands on this idea, saying it can also be used to "suitably change the map or other characters." This once again falls in line Nintendo President Satoru Iwata's comments in June 2005, stating that "with Revolution, we may be able to see the old games with new looks."
Last but not least, the patent application also claims that this technology is not limited to game machines created by Nintendo, but is applicable to the older and newer game machines of "other manufacturers." This is most likely stated to prevent other companies from stealing this technique of backwards compatibility, but it could also likely mean that other legacy console manufacturers such as Sega or SNK could provide classic content in a similar manner via Nintendo's Virtual Console.
you can see the patent here if you like.
Blizz419, at 1/17/2006 5:12 PM
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